Our Services

  • Relationship RX

    Most of us were never taught relationship skills but rather learned by observing our families and the environment around us. What if you knew you could speak up and represent the real you without hurting feelings? Candor and Kindness? Yes, it’s possible. This training will change your life in ways you never thought possible simply by learning communication and conflict skills. Discover a whole new way of thinking, behaving, and relating. Here’s a taste of what you’ll gain from this 6-week course:

    • Overcome obstacles keeping you from advancing professionally

    • Go deeper and become more authentic in your personal relationships

    • Speak confidently during uncomfortable conversations

    • Stop running from confrontation

    • Weekly assignments and journaling

  • The Good Fight: Strategies for Healthy Relationships

    "I loooovve conflict," said no-one ever, but it is unavoidable. Our uniqueness guarantees it.

    We each have our own temperaments, personalities, and passions. The vary differences that enrich our lives also have the potential to cause conflicts.

    As a conflict resolution educator, I thrive on seeing others fulfilled within their relationships, both professionally and personally.

    Join me for a 5-day challenge that will provide you with practical strategies to improve your relationships. This challenge will transform your conflicts by applying a handful of simple, yet effective communication skills.

    You will receive a daily email with a short teaching, PDF with information and journal prompts for reflection and learning.

  • Life Coaching & Clifton Strengths Finder

    Book A Free 30 Minute Consultation to find out more about any of our services.

    2 ways to reach me:

    Fill out the form on the contact page and I will reach out with some dates to choose from.

    Or send a email to CSWellness417@gmail.com